The wifi site survey, sometimes known as an RF site survey or wireless site survey, is basically the method of designing and planning a wireless site, to deliver the desired wireless service, optimum bandwidth, data speeds, network coverage, roaming capability and best Quality of Service. It helps in developing a wireless broadband network that has the capacity to meet the needs of its users. Site surveys are undertaken for different reasons. These could include evaluating a proposed wireless installation, refurbishment, installation of new equipment, re-survey for site assessment etc. These surveys help in improving the quality of services provided by the wireless network providers.

Site surveys are also carried out to evaluate the wireless site transmission power. This is essential to avoid interference from other wireless sites. This is carried out by measuring the access points and their connection quality to ascertain the transmission power. Measurements are usually done on the access points, inside the building and at various locations. In addition to this, some survey companies may also carry out the measurement outside the building. This type of survey is termed as a predictive survey. Learn More here and get to hire the best survey company.

Before a wireless site survey is undertaken, it is important to prepare a floor plan. The survey company may provide you with their floor plan templates. These templates present the general layout of the property and identify the key structures. Floor plans also define the areas that are to be measured, while taking into consideration the signal coverage and transmitters placed on the property. Wireless network providers usually have a preferred wireless site survey vendor. Hence, before they start offering a service, these providers will typically ask you to visit their office and get their recommendations.

The survey also determines the main components that contribute to the overall effectiveness of the system. One of these is called the access point. The access point is the wireless site survey's best friend. It defines the main areas of coverage and its signal strength.

Another major determining factor is the signal strength of the wireless network. It helps to determine the boundaries and whether or not the signal can penetrate or travel in certain areas. The surveyor will make use of specific mathematical formulas to determine the penetration of a wireless site survey signal and its range.

Some other wireless site survey tools that are used are the heat map (a visual representation of the boundary areas), the optical zoom and the statistical data sets. A heat map allows you to see how the signal strength varies along different geographic features. The optical zoom uses a camera to show you the details of each boundary. A statistical data set provides you with the percentage of the coverage that has been acquired by the equipment. Get a general overview of the topic here: